The Quiz League |
The Stockport Quiz League started in 1984 and currently has nine teams. Matches are played |
on Thursday evenings. The season begins with an AGM/Registration meeting in September and |
typically finishes in early May. There are three main competitions every season: the League |
competition, the Dave Badley Cup and the Plate. |
The knockout competitions (Dave Badley Cup and Plate) run on selected dates throughout the |
season and use a slightly different format to league matches. The Plate is a repêchage |
competition for first-round losers in the Dave Badley Cup. In both the Dave Badley Cup and Plate |
teams are handicapped according to their average score in league matches. |
Two additional competitions are held in conjunction with the Withington Quiz League: the WIST |
Trophy is a friendly curtain-raiser to the new quiz season, played around late September between |
representative teams from the two leagues. The WIST Champions Cup is contested by teams |
that finished in the top four of their respective league in the previous season. |
A Christmas table quiz for all teams is held in December and at the end of the season there is a |
table quiz followed by presentation of trophies. Both these table quizzes are handicapped and |
guest teams are welcome (but not eligible to win trophies). |
Each team pays an annual subscription fee (£40 in 2024–25) to cover administrative costs. |
A pre-season AGM and registration meeting takes place every September. |
Teams |
The League covers the whole of the Stockport area, with most teams playing near the town centre |
whilst others are found slightly further afield, in places such as Heald Green and Heaton Moor. |
The Quiz |
Matches take place on Thursdays, starting at 8.45 pm and finishing by 10.30 pm. |
Teams have a maximum of six players and the home team must also provide someone to ask the |
questions (the ‘QM’). Pubs should set aside a room or quieter area for the quiz. After the quiz it’s |
customary (but not compulsory) for the home team to provide food, usually sandwiches. In the |
league competitions each team plays every other team twice. The questions for each week’s |
matches are set by a team without a fixture on that date. |
Each quiz has four rounds. All questions are answered collectively as a team; there are no |
individual questions. Teams must answer within a thirty-second time limit. |
Round 1 consists of thirty questions which are asked to either team alternately and answered |
verbally. Teams score two points for a correct answer to their own question. If a team fails to |
answer, the question is asked to the other team, who may score one point for a correct answer. |
The questions are paired, so both teams should get a question of similar difficulty on the same |
subject. |
Round 2 consists of ten questions, for which both teams provide written answers. If both teams |
answer correctly they score one point each, if only one of the teams gets a question right they |
score two points. At the end of Round 2 there is a half-time ‘comfort break’ of around ten minutes. |
Rounds 3 and 4 use the same format as Rounds 1 and 2. |
Spare questions may be used to replace any questions that are illegible or obviously incorrect, if |
agreed by both teams. |
Both knockout competitions follow a similar format to league matches, with one significant |
difference: the questions in Rounds 1 and 3 are not paired and teams pick questions at random. |
Past questions can be found via the homepage and the complete rules for the league are here. |
If you would like to join the league please get in touch with any member of the committee. |